Thursday, April 13, 2006

A new commandment...

This Maundy Thursday I found myself asking what Maundy meant.
After finding that out I was thinking about the passage in the Gospel of St. John (esp. 13:34), and again reminded of it in church...and I realized that sadly this commandment is still new to almost all of us: "that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." This is the message of Holy Thursday! We also sang a beautiful hymn titled "Where Charity & Love Abound" well worth reading if you can find a copy (the lyrics aren't online as the copyright is still held). So I ask you: are you willing to die for that brother or sister who confesses Jesus as the Christ but worships or believes differently...My Roman Catholic Brother are you willing to die for your Lutheran Brother? My Eastern orthodox Sister will you wash the feet of your Baptist Brother? Lord teach me the way of Your Love, the way of thorns, ridicule, scourging and death on the accursed tree!!


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