Friday, February 10, 2006

Human Nature

It's a funny thing...I've been on forced holiday due to the fact that natural gas prices are much higher than propane, consequently it has been harder for our company to get enough propane to go around. So most of the time I am moping around (in a grown-up fashion) because I hate to be out of work. Well yesterday I found that I will be getting tanks Saturday or Sunday and started being grumpy because I realized how much work it will mean for next week (6 14-16 hr days and a total of 1500-2000 mi). I hope the baby doesn't decide to appear in the middle of it all.
Timothy is getting the peddling thing down (he got a bike for his birthday) but he has yet to figure out how to peddle and steer at the same time. The boys had fun "riding their bikes" in the alley (i.e. being pushed up and down by Mama and Daddy), David loves his new "bike" tricycle. Boys are a lot of fun!
We got our Federal Refund today, Hooray!!


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