Thursday, March 30, 2006

Better late than never

Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm Thankful God Made Me A Man...

...because I'm just not tough enough to be a mom. I've had a good opportunity this winter to stay at home more and I have slowly (hey I did just say God made me a man) realized that no matter how hard a day I've had I have no room to complain. For starters: I don't have to bring my costomers home with me; I am also not responsible before God for their actions (not that my Wife is solely responsible for our children's actions but I think you know what I mean). It has been difficult but a blessing especially this last week as Rebekah then David then Noelle and now Timothy all have come down with a bad cold. Pray for us please! Oh, and more pics coming Wednesday.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Still More Noelle Pics

End of silence...

I apologise to all for my silence over the last two weeks, I had a tooth in desperate need of drilling and filling and didn't feel much like doing anything.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

More Noelle Pics

Non-baby pics

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust...

Well Lent is here and all of us received our ashes for the first time in our lives yesterday, I really appreciate this time when I am compelled by people and things outside myself to a deeper spiritual life.
I am learning to fast this lent, also I am reading through the bible again and hoping to finish reading Augustine's Confessions, I am also seeking to make prayer a greater part of my life.
Let us call upon the Lord, for in His compassion and His mercy He will hear and heal us!